About the client

Wood & Work specializes in online sales of custom industrial furniture such as wall shelves, oak tables and coat racks. Wood & Work has a focus on both the Netherlands and Belgium. HashtagMedia manages the Google Ads for Wood & Work and gave the online sales a significant boost.

What was the situation

Wood & Work was already active on Google Ads but was not yet using its full potential. With the deployment of our new Google Ads strategy, we ensured that the relevance of the traffic improved, allowing ad budgets to be used more efficiently. As a result, we were able to achieve an increase in the number of conversions, conversion rate and revenue.

150% more sales by using Google Ads

In 2021 we were able to give the Wood & Work webshop a real boost: 150% more sales with the use of Google Ads. You can read how we achieved this in this case study.

The result

Our Google Ads case for Wood & Work became a great success. Specifically, Google Ads optimization provided the following results in the last 6 months. All this with the same marketing budgets:


increase in sales


increase in number of transactions


conversion rate increase

Our solution

Before we could get going energetically, we built a completely new Google Ads structure. We created about 10 different campaigns. Separate "search" campaigns and "shopping" campaigns for each product group. This way we gained insight into which product groups performed best and which campaigns generated qualitative traffic that actually converts.

By being able to accurately track this over several months, we optimized and/or discontinued poorly performing campaigns. As a result, HashtagMedia ultimately realized strong growth in online sales through Google Ads. 

During this period, it also continuously monitored which ad copy performed best and which ads needed to be adjusted.

In addition, we analyzed per campaign on which days and on which devices (laptop, tablet or smartphone) more sales were generated. Where necessary, we adjusted our bids accordingly so that ad budgets were optimally utilized.